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Aviation Security Ελληνικά


    Aviation security is everyone's business. You can help protect aviation security against acts of unlawful interference. During your stay at the airport, be alert. Report directly to the nearest security personnel, any suspicious object, behaviour or incident that could affect aviation security.


    Since its establishment, the Department of Civil Aviation understands the seriousness of the threat against civil aviation security and the obligations to protect the traveling public against unlawful acts. These obligations increased with the independence of Cyprus and its accession to the United Nations on September 20, 1960 to which the International Civil Aviation Organization belongs.

    July 1974: Turkish invasion of the island. Nicosia Airport closes after being subjected to extensive damage and is under the responsibility of the United Nations in a buffer zone between the National Guard and the Turkish occupation army.

    May 1978: After the events that took place at Larnaka Airport with the illegal armed intervention of Egyptian commandos at the airport (the episode began on February 18, 1978 when members of the terrorist organization "Palestinian Authority" assassinated Egyptian journalist Youssef Sebai close friend of the president of Egypt Anwar Sadat, during a conference that took place at the Hilton Hotel in Nicosia), the Cabinet authorised the Minister of Communications and Works to establish a National Security Committee on Civil Aviation (NCASC) comprising representatives from the departments concerned under the chairmanship ofthe Permanent Secretary, of the Ministry . It was also decided:

    • The screening of all departing passengers and baggage;
    • The physical separation of screened departing passengers;
    • The presence of armed guards at all entry checkpoints in buildings; and
    • The conduct of security patrols.

    November 1978: Purchase of the first screening equipment for passengers and baggage.

    November 1983: Operation of Pafos Airport to serve mainly the tourism industry of the region of Pafos.

    1978-2001: The security of air transport is growing rapidly, both worldwide and in Cyprus, in accordance with the provisions of the International Civil Aviation Organization (Annex 17 to the Chicago Convention).

    2001-today: In September 2001 aircraft was used as a weapon against the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York. Ensuring the security of civil aviation is a big challenge / need for Cyprus, particularly with the accession of the island in the European Union in May 2004. Larnaka and Pafos Airports are equipped with latest technology electronic equipment, and the Department of Civil Aviation and stakeholders have been organised in aviation security.


    On April 29, 2011 for the purpose of harmonisation with the relevant regulations of the European Union, the "Civil Aviation Regulations (National Civil Aviation Security Regulations) of 2011 (K.D.P.160/2011)" enter into force replacing the older version (K.D.P. 459/2004). These regulations are supplemented by Technical Security Instructions in order to meet the security requirements laid down by EU regulations, ICAO Annex 17 and ECAC Doc. 30.

    European Regulations
    National Legislation: K.D.P. 160/2011. Civil Aviation Regulations (National Civil Aviation Security Regulations) of 2011 and associated Technical Security Instructions.


    The Department of Civil Aviation is responsible for the design, development, implementation, monitoring and maintenance of the National Civil Aviation Security Regulations (NCASR - EKAPA) and has the overall responsibility for coordinating all entities involved in the field of aviation security. These are implemented by the Aviation Security Section (IAPA).



    In order to ensure the security of Larnaka and Pafos Airports the necessary measures and security procedures are implemented. The areas of each airport are separated into landside and airside areas.

    Airside areas are accessible only by authorised persons and passengers. Landside areas are accessible by the public. These two areas are separated by physical boundaries or guarded by authorised personnel; access to security restricted areas is allowed only from the designated points at which screening takes place. Access from anywhere else is prohibited.

    All persons other than passengers and the items carried undergo screening before entering a security restricted area. The screening methodology is similar to the one applied for passengers. Examination of all vehicles entering security restricted areas takes place and, for the protection of the Airport, all areas are patrolled and surveilled.


    For the safety of aircraft, each air carrier must ensure that:

    • Before departure, the aircraft shall be searched or checked in order to ensure that no prohibited articles are concealed on board; and

    • Each aircraft shall be protected from unauthorised access.


    Security measures and procedures are applied to all departing passengers at Larnaka and Pafos airports. These measures are based on the provisions of the existing European and National regulations. On the basis of the above, all departing passengers and their cabin baggage shall be screened before entering security restricted areas of the airport and protected till the departure of the aircraft.


    Hold baggage were used several times in the past as a means for committing unlawful acts; procedures are established at each airport that require the screening, protection and identification of all hold baggage to be loaded on board an aircraft till the departure of the aircraft.


    To prevent the risk of unlawful acts by placing prohibited / dangerous objects or materials into cargo and mail to be flown by passenger aircraft and-/-or by all-cargo and all-mail aircraft, specific security procedures are established, to be followed by all cargo/mail agents. Among other things, the designation of regulated agent and known consignor regime is established.

    In addition, air carriers transporting cargo/mail into the Union from third countries airports shall ensure the implementation of security measures and procedures before loading such cargo/mail on board their aircraft or the implementation of the measures shall be accounted for by entities having a security status (RA3, KC3).

    Application Forms:

    · Application form for ACC3, RA3, KC3.

    Lists of approved entities:


    Airport and in-flight supplies, including catering, intended for transport or use at an airport on board an aircraft are subject to security procedures, and thereafter protected until introduced into security restricted areas of the airport or loaded onto the aircraft in order to prevent the introduction of prohibited articles at the airport or on board the aircraft, respectively.

    Application Forms:

    List of approved entities:

    The information provided here describes procedures to be faced before you depart and provides you with useful information that will help you move quickly and smoothly to the required security controls for departing passengers. Always be aware that the purpose of various security measures implemented is to prevent any unlawful act that will affect your safety when you move to the airport and during your trip. Your cooperation with the security personnel to achieve the above purpose is vital.


    If you plan to travel consider the following guidelines when preparing your hold and cabin baggage and you will surely encounter the fewest possible problems during your stay at the airport.

    • Avoid placing in the hold and cabin baggage prohibited or dangerous objects and substances; be sure to check for objects or substances which may be carried within the hold or cabin baggage (not prohibited). Keep in mind that some items, such as shotguns may be transported by air in compliance with specific procedures. Ensure that you get the necessary information relating to these procedures on time as, in several cases, other authorities such as the Customs and the Police are involved.

    • Avoid placing food and drinks in your baggage. If they are absolutely necessary make sure they are packed so as to exclude leaks. The liquids carried in cabin baggage are subject to restrictions (see "Regulations on the carriage of LAGs by air", ”LAGs Passenger Info”, ”Security Tamper Evident Bag STEB”)

    • Avoid placing in the hold and cabin baggage items that you think could cause you embarrassment in public, since the hold or cabin baggage may be opened for search in a public area of ​​the airport, in the presence of other passengers.

    • Avoid placing too many objects in cabin baggage so that, if hand searched it will be possible to place them back in place.

    • Avoid placing films not yet developed in your baggage.

    • Avoid carrying wrapped gifts. It is likely to be asked to open them for inspection.

    • Try to distribute the contents of your baggage in more pieces. Check with the airline and travel agent for the largest allowable weight limits and any fee for baggage beyond the allowed weight.

    • Avoid stacking inside your baggage books, journals or other written material you have. It is best to place them in your baggage scattered to facilitate screening.

    List of prohibited items


    a) Check-in

    The first security checkpoint you will encounter at Larnaka and Pafos airport is the check-in counter. As you wait for your turn, read the brochures available at the site and the information provided by electronic displays. It is the last chance you have to give some items which are prohibited to be transported by air to your family or if the transport in the cabin baggage is not allowed, to place them in your hold baggage.

    When you reach the check-in desk, the check-in officer will verify, by checking your passport that the person shown on the ticket is the same as the one indicated on the passport or identity card (identification). He/She will then ask you some questions about the baggage to be transported and its contents. You should honestly answer these questions which seem very simple, but contribute greatly to security.

    b) Access control at the entrance to the airport restricted area

    The second security checkpoint is the point before you enter the restricted area ofthe airport where an authorised officer will ask to see your boarding card and passport or identity card before allowing entry in the area or you will be requested to electronically validate your boarding card. This process is called access control and its purpose is to allow only authorised persons and passengers to go through that point.

    c) Screening checkpoints for passengers and cabin baggage

    After access control, you will meet the third security checkpoint, where you and all items carried will be subjected to screening. The procedure applied at Larnaka and Pafos Airports is in line with the procedure implemented at all EU airports.

    Applying the instructions below you will be served faster and have more time at your disposal to relax before the flight departure.

    • Avoid wearing clothing and jewelry or other items containing a large quantity of metal.

    • Remove all personal items before you pass through the Walk Through Metal Detection equipment. Place the objects in your cabin baggage or in baskets found in each stream for this purpose. These include jewelry, coins, keys, cell phones, etc.

    • Remove your jacket or coat and place it in one of the baskets to be screened by x-ray equipment as a separate cabin baggage.

    • If you carry a laptop or other electronic device in a holster, remove them from their bags and place them in one of the available baskets, separately, to be screened by x-ray equipment. Note that you may be prompted to activate these devices.

    • If you carry drinks or other liquids in your cabin baggage they must be properly packed and in accordance with the provisions of EU Regulations for transporting liquids by air (see "Regulation on the carriage of LAGS by Air"). Any liquids that do not meet the requirements of this regulation shall be confiscated.

    • Go through the Walk Through Metal Detection equipment.

    • If you have a pacemaker or there is any reason for which you do not want or cannot be screened by electronic equipment please inform the screeners and request a hand search, providing the required credentials.

    • Note that:

    - When the Walk Through Metal Detection equipment alarms you will be screened again.
    - Passengers who refuse to be screened do not travel.
    - Baggage not undergone the required screening shall not be allowed entry to security restricted areas and the aircraft.
    - A percentage of passengers and cabin baggage screened by electronic equipment shall also be screened by another method (e.g. hand search).
    - The transport of baggage or objects that have been packed by third persons or left unattended for some time shall not be transported for security reasons.
    - Cooperate with the security personnel for a smoother and more efficient screening.

    d) Identification at the departure gate

    The fourth security checkpoint is at the departure gate where departing passengers shall be subjected to identification (passport or identity card and boarding pass), and sometimes additional screening using electronic equipment at the gate (if necessary).


    If you are a passenger and you wish to carry prohibited articles in the passenger cabin (necessary during the trip, e.g. for medical reasons) you should submit a written request to the Department of Civil Aviation as the appropriate authority for aviation security and your airline by submitting the following information:

    • Name of passenger;
    • Contact information (address, phone number, fax number, e-mail);
    • Number of passport or identity card to be used during your travel;
    • Number of flight and destination;
    • Date of departure;
    • Type of prohibited item(s) for which approval is requested;
    • Packing conditions of the prohibited item(s) to be carried, if applicable;
    • Reasons why the item needs to be transported in the passenger cabin;
    • Any medical certificates available;
    • Any other information you think would be useful for the examination of your case.

    The application shall be submitted in time by you to the appropriate authority and your airline in order to be able to complete the process before you leave. The outcome of the application will be notified in writing. The appropriate authority shall also inform in writing the airline you are traveling with as well as the Civil Aviation Services at the Airport and the Airport Police of the approval granted.

    It is understood that the airline has the right not to accept this approval, for safety reasons. It is advisable to contact the airline you are traveling with for this purpose. No prohibited article shall be carried in the passenger cabin if the appropriate authority has not given its consent.

    In any case, the transported prohibited article will be delivered to the crew of the aircraft to be stored under secure conditions during the flight.


    This transport is prohibited under national and European regulations. Exceptions are granted in certain cases in accordance with national legislation, by the airline with which you are traveling. For this purpose, and to be informed about the terms and conditions of carriage of shotguns, sporting weapons as hold baggage and cartridges in hold baggage, contact your airline in advance to make necessary arrangements.


    The appropriate authority, in order to improve aviation security and to protect passengers, aircraft, personnel and crew members from unlawful acts, has established a system of confidential information on aviation security. This information will be assessed in strict confidentiality and will be handled accordingly for the sole purpose of improving aviation security.

    For this purpose, please use the following e-mail address:

    10. TRAINING

    Persons being recruited to have access to airport restricted areas or to areas where security controls are implemented, to implement or to be responsible for the implementation of security controls and procedures at an airport or elsewhere, shall be trained appropriately. Instructors shall have the knowledge and qualifications required that should at least include:

    · Knowledge of the security elements to be taught;
    · Knowledge of instructional techniques; and
    · Knowledge of work environment in the relevant civil aviation security field.

    Instructors qualified to perform training are listed in the documents listed below:


    Make the security screening officer at the airport aware of the device, explain exactly what it is and where it is located.
    If you are carrying a spare assistive medical device, remove it from your cabin bag before the x-ray and let the security officer know.
    Contact the airport and/or the Department of Civil Aviation if you have any concerns or queries before you travel: note that screening equipment and processes may differ from airport to airport.
    Although it is not mandatory in the EU (This applies also to the EFTA countries, i.e. Iceland, Norway and Switzerland)., it is advisable to bring your medical evidence (e.g. letter from a medical practitioner) to confirm your assistive medical device such as an insulin pump, Continuous Glucose Monitoring system (CGMs) or stoma pouch device.
    · It is not required to remove the assistive medical device for screening.

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