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Directorate of Control
You are here: Home Page The Department Director's Welcome

Director's Welcome

Dear visitor,

I welcome you to the website of the Directorate of Control of the Ministry of Communications and Works.

The basic mission of the Directorate of Control is to conduct internal (technical and financial) control over all departments of the Ministry of Communications and Works and to provide the Minister and Director General of the Ministry advisory services on the ratings of the Department.
The Vision of the Department Control is to consolidate the Ministry of Communications and Works and the Departments with good governance and other general principles of administrative law.

The main objective of the Directorate of Control is the lawful, proper, effective and successful management of contracts awarded by the Departments of the Ministry of Communications and Works and to ensure that the departments are acting in accordance with the general principles of the administrative law.

After the accession of Cyprus to the European Union on May 1, 2004, the role of the Directorate of Control was widened. The Directorate currently holds the role of intermediary, in the large and important projects, not just the Ministry of Communications and Works but also for projects carried out by other ministries, which are included in the Operational Program "Sustainable Development and Competitiveness, which will be financed by the Cohesion Fund the EU Structural Funds for the Programming Period 2007-2013.

I believe for us to provide information to the citizen regarding our mission and activities are important because the two-way communication with citizens is a key component of the implementation of our mission. We aspire that this web site will enable achievement of this goal.

You can submit to our Directorate any grievance, complaint or suggestion you related to the activities of the Ministry of Communications and Works. Your personal information will remain confidential and will not be disclosed without your consent.
Anonymous complaints are also dealt with but should be aware that the inability of two-way communication deprives us of the possibility of seeking further information that would facilitate the investigation.

We are looking forward to hearing your suggestions for improving this web site and the operation of our Department.

Thank you.

Agathi Christou

Acting Director of Control