Republic of Cyprus
Directorate of Control

Projects Funded Under the EU Structural and Cohesion Funds

    Operational Program "Sustainable Development and Competitiveness' Programming Period 2007-2013"

    The directorate Of Control performs duties as Intermediate Body Class I (based on Council of Ministers dated 4/7/2007) under the responsibility of the Managing Authority for the projects included in Priority Axes "Basic infrastructure on the environment and energy" and " Basic transport infrastructure "co-financed by the Cohesion Fund for other interventions in the transport Axis" Revitalizing Urban and Rural Areas "and for all major projects as defined in Article 39 of Regulation 1083/2006. The definition of the main functions and responsibilities of intermediaries recorded in Management Control System (MCS) that issued the Managing Authority.

    The Directorate of Control was Intermediate Body for the projects co-financed by the European Union Cohesion Fund in the field of Transport for the programming period 2004-2006 (Upgrade Nodes Agios Athanasios and Germasogeia).

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