The Department of Public Works was established in 1878 and after the declaration of independence of the Repuplic of Cyprus is operating under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works.

The Department´s Vision is:

To make the movement of citizens in the road network quicker, comfortable and safe.
To ensure that the citizen receives decent and comfortable conditions of service in modern public buildings.
To contribute to in the regeneration of social environment, in harmony with the natural environment.

Within the framework of achieving its mission, the Department has the following main activities:

1. Design or management of designs that are carried out by the private sector, supervision and management of the contracts for the construction and maintenance of road works, including motorways and other primary and secondary roads.

2. Design or management of designs that are carried out by the private sector, supervision and management of the contracts for the construction,, improvement and maintenance of government and other buildings.

3. Management of the Concession Agreement for the development, and maintenance works of Larnaca and Paphos airports.

4. Design, supervision and management of the contracts for the construction works for coastline defence and fishing shelters.

5. Preparation of traffic studies in urban and rural regions in collaboration with other Government Departments, Local Authorities and Consulting Engineers.

6. Design and construction of flood-prevention projects.

7. Design, construction and/or supervision of construction of road projects in industrial zones and social housing estates.

8. Maintenance of residences and other buildings in refugee housing estates as well as supervision of construction of residences that are built as part of the Plan for Selfbuiltshelter and issuing of the relevant progress certificates.

9. Construction and maintenance of defence works and other projects within the Military Camps, as well as repair and maintenance of installations of the UN Peace Force in Cyprus.

10. Laboratory testing (investigations, trials etc.) of construction materials both for projects carried out by the Department and the private sector, in accordance with the relevant specifications.

11. Checking of public buildings and the facilities for storing petroleum products, according to the relevant Legislation.

12. Review of applications for planning and building permits for land division purposes.

13. Examination and resolution of problems / requests of local communities or private individuals resulting from the implementation of road projects.

14. Provision of technical advice to other Ministries, Departments, Services, Organisations as well as to private individuals.

15. Participation and representation of the Department in various Technical Committees such as the Committee of Cypriot Standards, the Central Committee for Variations and Claims, the Rent Committee, Judging Committees for Architectural Competitions etc.

Department of Public Works, 165 Strovolos Avenue, 2048 Strovolos
Eleftherios Eleftheriou
Customer Service Officer
Eleni Antoniou