Directorate of Control of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works is an essential “tool” of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry to carry out primary control (mainly preventive but in some cases repressive) of the Departments of the Ministry, mainly of the technical Departments, i.e. the Department of Public Works and the Department of Electromechanical Services. Furthermore, the Directorate of Control has the authority to carry out technical, financial and performance audits on the operations of the Departments of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works.

Following the decision of the Council of Ministers dated 6/4/2005, the Directorate of Control was appointed as the intermediate body at the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works for the projects co-financed by the Cohesion Fund of the European Union under the Transportation Infrastructure for the programming period 2004-2006. For the current programming period 2007-2013, the Directorate of Control has undertaken the role of the intermediate body for projects in which other Ministries, in addition to the Ministry of Communications and Works, act as beneficiaries. Specifically, under the decision of the Council of Ministers dated 4/7/2007, the Directorate of Control was been selected to act as the intermediate body for all major projects that may be co-financed by the European Union in the areas of environment, energy and transport systems. Such projects are the Cyprus Cultural Centre,solid wastes management projects, renewable energy projects, the upgrading of the Limassol Port, the public Transport System, works on water resources management, sewerage systems in communities, etc. The new duties that have been assigned to the Department of Control are very demanding in volume and responsibility and have substantially increased its range of activities and responsibilities. It is also important to mention that the Department has been assigned for the first time other tasks in areas of expertise (environment and energy).

Directorate of Control, Acheon 28, Ministry of Transport, Communication and Works, 1st Floor, 1101 Nicosia
Ac. Director
Constantinos Kotziapashies
Customer Service Officer
Krista Yiasemidou